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Parent Support

Top Six Reasons Parents Seek Support


Their child's or teen's behavior has changed and parents need support in managing 


A new life stressor or transition has occurred and parents need support in helping their child or children through it


Parents are looking for support in co-parenting after a divorce, separation, or remarrying


Parents are searching for new techniques to support their child or children for a more peaceful home


The child is too young for only individual therapy and parent training would support the child's need for change  


Teens are resistant to therapy and parents need support in parenting their teen

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When working with parents on goals of parent education and training, I come from an attachment based perspective and utilize Positive Discipline techniques to support parents in learning new parenting techniques to support parents and their children to enhance their relationships. 


I am a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, and have done training on specific parenting techniques that work!


From the Positive Discipline website, the founder, Dr. Jane Nelsen, defines Positive Discipline as "a parenting program designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful, and resourceful members of their communities." Based on the best-selling Positive Discipline parenting books by Dr. Jane Nelsen, the program teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults. Parenting with Positive Discipline means being kind and firm at the same time, which is effective long-term and helps children feel a connection — a sense of belonging and significance. 


Find out more on Positive Discipline as well as gain some great resources for parents at


Look out for parenting groups I offer throughout the year that focuses on Positive Discipline techniques and play therapy theory and techniques.


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