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Individual Psychotherapy For Adults

Five Benefits of Therapy


The effects are long lasting--positive gains continue and grow over time and some of the work gets further consolidated after therapy stops.


You are not alone--therapy can be a huge relief in-and-of itself since you know you’re taking action against what ails you.


Therapy literally re-wires your brain--studies show that continued therapy can actually make structural changes to your brain in a positive way!


You learn about yourself--talking with a therapist allows you to get a sense of how you appear to other people, get feedback on whatever you're feeling, and offers insight on how your emotions and thoughts are affecting your everyday life.


Therapy can help you deal with current and future problems--big and small problems are going to come up from time to time, knowing how to deal with them in a healthy way is an essential skill. 

Woman on her Tablet

Choosing to make a change in your life or confront a problem can be a hard decision.  A lot of people struggle with the idea of contacting a therapist for a variety of reasons.  Whether is it stigma of seeing a therapist, time, cost, or any other reason, you are not alone in wondering if therapy is the right move for you.


Research shows that verbalizing your feelings can have a significant therapeutic effect on your brain.  Talking through your worries, challenges, and concerns with someone who is trained to help, can improve your wellbeing.  Therapy is a way of working with your thoughts, behaviors, and relationships that help you manage your emotions and learn to see different perspectives in your life.  


By opening yourself up to what you are struggling with, you can work toward goals that can bring confidence, peace of mind, coping skills, and more meaning in your life. Therapy allows you to see your challenges without feeling overwhelmed, ultimately allowing you to understand and deal with the problem so you can create a strategy to move forward.


I work from a humanistic, client centered, and Solution Focused perspective to help you work through whatever you are dealing with in your life.  



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